Localized Flooding in Camden
One major objective of the SMART Initiative is the mitigation of flooding in the City of Camden. Even after normal rain events, many sections of Camden flood, making roads inaccessible and recreational spaces unusable. The pictures below illustrate the effects of a normal rain event on several areas in the City.
Many parts of Camden are serviced by a combined sewer system where stormwater and sewage water are mixed together. As a result, when system capacity is exceeded, sewage water backs up into the streets of Camden and into residents' homes. Therefore, it is imperative that we work towards a more sustainable Camden in order to prevent these occurrences and improve public health for city residents. The Camden SMART Initiative aims to implement neighborhood green and grey infrastructure projects that will not only alleviate flooding, but also address a range of challenges that can be approached through effective stormwater management.
One major objective of the SMART Initiative is the mitigation of flooding in the City of Camden. Even after normal rain events, many sections of Camden flood, making roads inaccessible and recreational spaces unusable. The pictures below illustrate the effects of a normal rain event on several areas in the City.
Many parts of Camden are serviced by a combined sewer system where stormwater and sewage water are mixed together. As a result, when system capacity is exceeded, sewage water backs up into the streets of Camden and into residents' homes. Therefore, it is imperative that we work towards a more sustainable Camden in order to prevent these occurrences and improve public health for city residents. The Camden SMART Initiative aims to implement neighborhood green and grey infrastructure projects that will not only alleviate flooding, but also address a range of challenges that can be approached through effective stormwater management.
Check Out Residents With Their Rain Barrels!
Camden Rain Gardens in Action!